Fully managed Virtual Debate and Discussion

Data On The Spot [DOTS] has been working with groups and organizations for the past 12 years managing on-site and on-line elections as well as company surveys.
  • Dedicated solution for the debate of motions and resolutions

Dedicated DOTS Technicians monitor each virtual debate microphone.

  • Members will have their video and audio checked prior to being called on by the meeting chair.
  • Real-time list of upcoming Pro, Con or Point of Procedure speakers visible to the meeting chair and audience at all times.
  • Ability for members to speak with just audio or audio and video.
  • A feed from the main room ensures your members will never miss a moment of debate.

DOTS Debate Includes:

  • 4 Dedicated DOTS Technicians plus one main Zoom Operator for $1995

– Live DOTS technician greeter in each breakout room (Pro, Con, Point)

– Breakout rooms will have main room audio and video

– Live DOTS technician in Speaker Ready Room for final Audio/Visual check

– Real-time list of upcoming Pro, Con, or Point of Procedure speakers visible to the meeting chair and audience at all times

– Main room DOTS Zoom operator manages spotlighting and unmuting of speakers once they have been called on by the chair.

  • Zoom Raise Hand/Debate Moderator for $150

– Will facilitate raising of hand, including discovery of purpose. (Point of order, speak in favour/against a motion, technical support) and also prompt and un-mute when it is their turn

  • Zoom Management for $850

– Includes Zoom fees

– Branding with approved logos of your organization

– Rehearsal set ups on Zoom

– Training of your meeting team on the usage of Zoom

  • Zoom + Technical Support for $250

– Live, dedicated, technical support for Zoom and any other technical hurdles


Watch our tutorial

DOTS will assign a dedicated election consultant to fully manage your voting event. This primary point of contact will work closely with you to ensure that your election is successful and meets your objectives.