Some of the most commonly asked questions

How does DOTS ensure our members know how to vote?

  1. Every event will have a DOTS Election Manager and Support Technician to ensure that all registered voters receive their voting credentials. Voting credentials will be issued by DOTS based on the Registration List you have submitted..
  2. Eligible voters will be contacted up to four (4) times in the week prior to your event to ensure that they are properly setup. The first contact will contain their voting credentials, and prompt them to participate in a test vote. The test vote will verify their connectivity and credentials, and ensure that they are familiar with the voting process.
  3. Subsequent contacts will be limited to those who have not yet participated in the test vote.
  4. A final attempt will be made to contact those votes who HAVE NOT tested their credentials on the day of the event.

How can WE ensure our members know how to vote?

  1. Ensure that the Registration List contains voters’ names and valid email addresses..
  2. Encourage your members to participate in the Test Vote – this is a crucial part of our Onboarding process. The test vote will verify voters’ connectivity and credentials, and ensure that they are familiar with the voting process.

Can our members watch the Zoom stream and vote at the same time?

The Zoom stream will be embedded onto our voting website. Voters will simply scroll down to vote and scroll up to watch the stream.

What if multiple people try to vote with the same voting credentials?

Only one vote can be cast per Elector ID and password. DOTS will continuously monitor the credentials to see who has voted, and who has yet to vote.

What happens if a member has an issue with voting or with their voting credentials?

DOTS will provide contact information and support staff both in advance of the meeting and the day of your event to promptly troubleshoot any issues or concerns.

Can we have voting and non-voting members?

Yes. Clients would provide DOTS with lists that identifies between voting and non-voting members. Unique voting credentials will only be sent to voting members. Non-voting members may be allowed to access the Zoom webinar or an alternate livestream.

When will we see the voting results? Will we see the results immediately?

Publication of results can be tailored to your specific needs. DOTS can alternatively:

  • Publish the results immediately, by simple tally or graphical representation.
  • Transmit the results to your team through backchannels such as WhatsApp or a dedicated text message.
  • Publish the results on Simply Voting’s Past Results Tab.

Can non-voting members access the live stream?

Yes. If you provide DOTS with a Registration List that identifies voting and non-voting members, only voting members will receive unique voting credentials. Non-voting members will be allowed to access the Zoom webinar or an alternate live stream.

What if we have a last-minute change to the proxy-vote allocation, or need to amend a resolution?

The Election Manager assigned to your event retains the ability to assign proxy votes and create new ballots in real time. This can be done even during your meeting if necessary.

Where is the data stored?

Data is stored in the country that your meeting takes place. If you are in Canada, your data is stored with service providers in Canada; if you are in the United States, your data is stored with service providers in the U.S.

Can we use a different conferencing platform other than Zoom?

The DOTS Connect platform only supports Zoom conferencing-
Your organization is welcome to use your preferred conferencing platform, but the voting will occur outside of that platform.

Can we use a combination of virtual voting, phone voting, and in-person (clicker) voting technology?

Yes. DOTS specializes in virtual, hybrid, and in person meetings.

Can we share documentation during the event with all registered users?

No. While we are happy to share documents in advance with registered users via email, our platform does not support the sharing of documents during the meeting itself.

Can we also live stream this event through a link from our website?

Yes, but voting will take place at SimplyVoting.com

Will voting be kept confidential?

Votes are kept anonymous to other voters and organizations, unless confirmed otherwise.

Do we need to set up our own Zoom account?

No. DOTS Connect offers a comprehensive package that includes managing this aspect of your meeting.

Do members need to have a camera for Zoom?

No. Members will not be able to use their camera. The camera is reserved for the Meeting Moderator, presenters, and other speakers.

How can members communicate throughout the meeting?

Members have several options if they wish to communicate during the meeting:

  • Use the ‘Raise Hand’ function – members will be prompted by the moderator to unmute their microphone when it’s their turn to speak.
  • Use the Chat function for casual conversation and welcoming participants.
  • A Q&A period for official discussion can be held during the meeting.

How many selections can our members make on a single ballot?

Our ballots are capable of allowing up to five unique voting selections.