Thank you for checking in with us and we also feel your team did well. One of the learnings that resonated with us was that your company was not just about the technology. Rather you understand the decision-making process and the fluidity that can present itself and being able to adjust with the ‘room’. We take great pride in the organization of our annual general meeting and our councillors, executive and staff expect a high quality and professional experience. Moving to a virtual format for us presents many challenges but the requirements we had provided you will assist us in creating an experience that is as close to our traditions as possible and we believe your company can help us to achieve our expectations for our meeting. For this reason, I am pleased to let you know that we would like to use your services and expertise for our Annual Meeting of Council 2020 in October. Our team and I look forward to working with you.
We offer Secure & Simple voting for your upcoming virtual meeting.